I wanted to export a list of all users from active directory. To do that on Windows 7, installĀ Remote Server Administration Tool for Windows 7 with Service Pack 1 (SP1). Following the install, visit Control Panel — Programs and Features. Click on Turn Windows features on or off.
Under Remote Server Administration Tools — Role Administration Tools — check all options under and including AD DS and AD LDS Tools.
OK out of the dialog boxes.
Click on Start — type Powershell. Type the command: csvde.exe -f adobjects.csv. Wait for a few seconds/minutes and you will have a file called adobjects.csv containing wealth of information about AD users/objects.
Alternate command to streamline data can be written like so:
csvde.exe -f adobjects.csv -r objectClass=user -l DN, sAMAccountName (and other valid comma-separated attribute names of your liking)